Sejak dua tiga menjak menggunakan ruang siber ni makin banyak...
pula jejak kasihan yang aku dapat.Most of all x di plan pun nak dapat ketemu kembali kengkawan lama especially masa dok U dulu. He he he most of them dah got a well job; ada yg jd pensyarah and still continue for further study(kat oversea lak tu), teachers, managers,Gov and nonGov staff and so on, so they still got survive for the future live not like me just a manager of house(full housewife ler).Ha Ha Ha. But life must goes on kan? Whatever who u r, u've got to survive to continue your life as well.
So back to title, dapat berjumpa kengkawan lama di alam siber banyak memberi aku semangat untuk meneruskan kehidupan. That's not mean my spirit of life dah menurun but when met them back it give a side effect (chewah mcm bhn kimia lak) for me to more focus forward and not just thinking a jobless. But however sometimes when I'm not doing anything(anything not means that I'm just goyang kaki coze a life of housewife still active 24h!),I'm start thinking of job again and again. Hemm well, so the friends gave me more support to be more realistic actually.Why not, coze when I knew most of them have a great life, I start thinking why I'm not to be a great housewife!
Kengkawan di alam siber yang lama terpisah ekoran laluan hidup masing2, whatever u are, grab the opportunity that u have choosen.For me my life still like this laa, spent most of time with kids, and house job yang tak pernah tak ada.Ada je yang kena buat and nak buat.He he he. I luv cooking and try new recipes walaupun kengkadang tak jadi je, but to bake a cake its my first luv in cooking. I have many cake recipes and I will share with all the blogger here in labels JOM MAKAN!. But times almost jeles laa, not full time to face this laptop, just when hubby not bring to his school, I can use it.
Apa g nak bebel ek? Emm kengkawan di alam siber, miss u all so much!
p/s- My english not perfect, sorry la for the uncorrect statement and phrase..he he he
7 bulan yang lalu
tu lerr kelebihan alam maya ni...dapat jejak kawan2 lama.
Catat Ulasan
ok la tuuu..